This is yet another battle cry for Microsoft’s head from the big G. As Microsoft moves into Google’s search turf with heavy promotions of its new search engine Bing, and it’s recently announced search deal with Yahoo, Google had to fire back. Right?

Well this news didn’t so much spark my enthusiasm for Google and its cloud based office applications. Instead it yet again shifted my image of Google. Every move they make simply seems like a direct hit against Microsoft. They have thrived off of this and tried to build an image as the anti-Microsoft. In my opinion by doing this they have sealed their fate as becoming the next Microsoft.
As Google gets bigger and bigger it will be easier for smaller and fresher products to slowly chip away at the search/app/advertising/telecommunication behemoth, hence the title of this article. As Google pimps its new ad campaign “Going Google” I will be launching my own personal campaign “Get Going Google.”
Now to be completely transparent I have been what you call a Google fan boy. I am also in search marketing and technically need to be a search agnostic. I have tried and tried again to ditch the Google habit without success.
In the name of competition and progress I will be switching from Google search and News (the two products I use most heavily) to a wide mix of alternative search and news sources. First up? Bing!
Wish me luck.