Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Day 1. “Get Going Google”

So far so good on my quest to navigate a Googleless web. I have to say that it has been a little harder than I first thought. Google had found its way into nearly every activity I do online. My homepage is an iGoogle page pimped out with Google news, Google Reader, Gmail, (which I have not given up) and a neato theme that changes based on the time of day.


It is apparent that many of my search tendencies are going to have to change along with the actual provider. The way I search does not directly translate from engine to engine. In order to find what I am looking for I have been jumping back and forth from Bing to Yahoo. Doing this I have been able to find everything I am looking for, although I feel like I am having to click a few more links before I get it.


I have again been jumping back and forth between Yahoo and Bing news. I just have to find my comfort zone. The way Google presents news is much different so adjustments are needed. ( I do have to say that this one almost broke me yesterday.)


I “grew up on” Google Finance and have to say their recent redesign has made my transition off even harder. A lot of people have said they prefer Yahoo Finance (I just don’t see it.) Still… for the sake of going cold turkey I have jumped the Google ship.

Overall I have the distinct impression that I am being a lot less efficient and have to put more thought into what I want to find. Still… its only day one I am adjusting. More time is needed before I make any permanent decisions… any moral support would be greatly appreciated.