Thursday, August 13, 2009

El Goog is Testy

Today I came across a couple new features that I have not seen before. It looks like Google is testing a few new paid search offerings.

Paid Search Product Links

The first one

I noticed is paid search product links. It appears that advertisers will soon have the ability to ad product links in their premium paid search listing.

This snazzy little feature is sure to make those retail clients drool. Expectations? I assume that this little feature is sure to bring in a high CTR while it is new and shinny. Once it becomes common place it is likely to result in a higher conversion rate as it will provide additional information pre click to help qualify search traffic.

Paid Search Ads and Natural Links Don’t Shake hands, Paid Search Ads and Natural Links Hug.

Another change I have recently noticed is that the right bar of paid search ads has shifted from the right of your screen (no matter you monitor size) to right up on the natural links.

Expectations? This is likely to result in higher CTR. Reason for Google to make this change? As wide screen monitors quickly become the norm those text ads have started to feel a little lonely. Also Google is a public company and needs to keep on growing its revenue…

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

I Give.

So I fell off the map a little on what was to become a daily update of my adventure in a Google less web. I passed the shakes. I surmounted the mobile temptation and shunned the shiny familiar. That is until like a common addict I had just one try (it couldn’t hurt… Right?)

It started with the news. I have grown to love the constantly updated data fountain that is Google News. I tried using Yahoo news but nothing really changes. I tried using CNN and various print sources. It just didn’t cut it (twitter helped a little.) So I caved. I started using Google news again.

Next came finance. Oh Google finance how your beautiful graphs and lack of clutter does tempt me. Yahoo finance has it all but much more cluttered and with more extras that I just think get in the way. Strike two.

Then the flood gates opened and it was over. I became yet again another Google node. And even more true to a real addict I came back using even heavier than when I quit. I am using Google Chrome now!

But let’s back up a second here. I need to be perfectly clear. This is my problem not yours. While using Yahoo and Bing I was delighted by each of their features and results. When I truly needed something it was there to be found easily with each engine.

Let me stress this point. They are GREAT search engines. In my conclusion I would even say they are better search engines for the everyday user. I am unique because I am such a power user (which Google accommodates very nicely.) I found that while using Yahoo and Bing my internet consumption dropped by nearly 40%. This was particularly helpful in my productivity.

As a result of this test I can clearly say that Google is better suited for me; however, I highly suggest you take the time to figure this out for yourself. Do not search apathetically. Do not just start Googleing because it sounds so damn cool. (it sounds good right?) You need to look yourself in the mirror and say.


Bing goes the internet?

Or judge just base it off of who you this is a better rapper.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Day 2. “Get Going Google”

I have passed the initial withdrawals and have started to adapt nicely to my new, Googless internet. Today I am going to help liberate my fellow iphonians.

With the iPhone you may have not even considered the option of switching search providers. Google comes default and has deep integration with the iPhone. Well stop being so laissez-faire and mix things up!

Yahoo provides a great alternative you Google’s mobile platform. If you have not tried it yet then you are missing out on some great searchin. In order to switch search providers in iPhone’s Safari follow these steps:

Settings=> Safari (it’s right below Phone. You have to scroll!) =>Search Engine => Yahoo!

Check out some great screen shots here.

And there you have it. You are hooked up with Yahoo! search. For a little extra flavor I highly suggest downloading the Yahoo! App. It is great if you use Yahoo mail. It also has Yahoo news, finance, movie times, sports scores, RSS feeds, Address Book, Buzz, Calendar, Directions, delicious, Flickr, Messenger, oneSearch, Weather and more! Truly a great app.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Day 1. “Get Going Google”

So far so good on my quest to navigate a Googleless web. I have to say that it has been a little harder than I first thought. Google had found its way into nearly every activity I do online. My homepage is an iGoogle page pimped out with Google news, Google Reader, Gmail, (which I have not given up) and a neato theme that changes based on the time of day.


It is apparent that many of my search tendencies are going to have to change along with the actual provider. The way I search does not directly translate from engine to engine. In order to find what I am looking for I have been jumping back and forth from Bing to Yahoo. Doing this I have been able to find everything I am looking for, although I feel like I am having to click a few more links before I get it.


I have again been jumping back and forth between Yahoo and Bing news. I just have to find my comfort zone. The way Google presents news is much different so adjustments are needed. ( I do have to say that this one almost broke me yesterday.)


I “grew up on” Google Finance and have to say their recent redesign has made my transition off even harder. A lot of people have said they prefer Yahoo Finance (I just don’t see it.) Still… for the sake of going cold turkey I have jumped the Google ship.

Overall I have the distinct impression that I am being a lot less efficient and have to put more thought into what I want to find. Still… its only day one I am adjusting. More time is needed before I make any permanent decisions… any moral support would be greatly appreciated.

Monday, August 3, 2009

"Going Google?" More Like "Get Going Google"

Today Tech blogs and Media blogs alike are reporting about Google’s new ad campaign “Going Google.” Without going into details here the campaigns purpose is to promote Google apps for business, a direct competitor for Microsoft’s Office products.

This is yet another battle cry for Microsoft’s head from the big G. As Microsoft moves into Google’s search turf with heavy promotions of its new search engine Bing, and it’s recently announced search deal with Yahoo, Google had to fire back. Right?

Well this news didn’t so much spark my enthusiasm for Google and its cloud based office applications. Instead it yet again shifted my image of Google. Every move they make simply seems like a direct hit against Microsoft. They have thrived off of this and tried to build an image as the anti-Microsoft. In my opinion by doing this they have sealed their fate as becoming the next Microsoft.

As Google gets bigger and bigger it will be easier for smaller and fresher products to slowly chip away at the search/app/advertising/telecommunication behemoth, hence the title of this article. As Google pimps its new ad campaign “Going Google” I will be launching my own personal campaign “Get Going Google.”

Now to be completely transparent I have been what you call a Google fan boy. I am also in search marketing and technically need to be a search agnostic. I have tried and tried again to ditch the Google habit without success.

In the name of competition and progress I will be switching from Google search and News (the two products I use most heavily) to a wide mix of alternative search and news sources. First up? Bing!

Wish me luck.