I have passed the initial withdrawals and have started to adapt nicely to my new, Googless internet. Today I am going to help liberate my fellow iphonians.
With the iPhone you may have not even considered the option of switching search providers. Google comes default and has deep integration with the iPhone. Well stop being so laissez-faire and mix things up!
Yahoo provides a great alternative you Google’s mobile platform. If you have not tried it yet then you are missing out on some great searchin. In order to switch search providers in iPhone’s Safari follow these steps:
Settings=> Safari (it’s right below Phone. You have to scroll!) =>Search Engine => Yahoo!
Check out some great screen shots here.
And there you have it. You are hooked up with Yahoo! search. For a little extra flavor I highly suggest downloading the Yahoo! App. It is great if you use Yahoo mail. It also has Yahoo news, finance, movie times, sports scores, RSS feeds, Address Book, Buzz, Calendar, Directions, delicious, Flickr, Messenger, oneSearch, Weather and more! Truly a great app.
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